Duke University has a long-standing policy of protecting the symbols that are associated with its name and reputation as one of the finest universities in the country. Duke owns and controls its name(s) and other marks, logos, images, insignias, seal, designs and symbols (hereafter, “trademarks”) that have become associated with the institution.
Duke University requires that all individuals, organizations, departments, and companies, both internal and external obtain prior approval from Duke’s Office of Trademark Licensing before using the trademarks of Duke University for any purpose including, but not limited to, use of the trademarks for products, services, advertising, etc. The Office of Trademark Licensing governs the guidelines and procedures related to the use of Duke’s trademarks to protects their integrity and ensure appropriate use and is overseen by the Director of Trademark Licensing.
Unauthorized use of Duke trademarks is subject to civil and criminal penalties. Duke reserves the right to take appropriate action when confronted with unauthorized use of its trademarks. Such actions may include confiscation of the goods, financial penalties, and legal action.
Other Recognizable Graphics and Restrictions
Athletics Graphic Identity
Duke Athletics maintains a distinctive graphic mark, commonly referred to as “The Iron Duke D.” The single block D is used for athletics teams and donors. The Athletics identity system should only be associated with student/athletic entities and never used for academic or administrative content in any media.
The University Seal
The University Seal is a legal “signature” for the university and is only used on diplomas and other official documents. Any use of the seal must be approved by the Office of the University Secretary.
The University Emblem
The University Emblem is only available for use by the Board of Trustees, the Office of the President and special university ceremonies. It may not be used by any other group or function without special approval from the Board of Trustees.
The University Shield
The University Shield was decommissioned in 2009. Though still in use across merchandise within University Stores, the shield is now a legacy icon and may not be used as part of the modern Duke brand.