Welcome, Communicators New to Duke!  

Duke Communicators Network  

  1. Communicators email Monthly Meetings – join list below for schedule 
  1. Communicator email list (contact Robbie Glenn
  1. Communicator Teams Chat 
  1. Working Groups (Social Media, Audio, Photography, Video, and more) 

Brand Guidelines, Logos, & Templates 

  1. Duke University Brand and Style Guide (guidelines, logos, palettes, and templates) 
  1. Duke Health Brand and Style Guide (guidelines, logos, palettes, and templates) 

University Strategy & Messaging 

  1. Duke Strategic Vision 
  1. Duke identity and messaging framework  
  1. Advancing Health Together (Duke Health strategic planning framework) 


  1. Communicators Toolkit 
  1. WebDam (photos and video for use at no charge for Duke projects) 
  1. Pitch Story Lab (professionals & students you can hire to do video production, audio production, studio rental, editing and distribution, live streaming, event and portrait photography, graphic design, and more) 
  1. Print Management 
  1. Duke Web Services 
  1. Qualtrics (online survey tool)  
  1. Sympa (email list manager) 
  1. Grouper (manage group membership for the purposes of access management, group syncing, mailing list management, etc.) 
  1. Duke Box (collaborative sharing) 
  1. Scholars@Duke (Find Duke faculty experts, instructors, clinicians, or researchers) 
  1. Sites.Duke.edu (WordPress templates for Duke users) 
  1. Social media 
  1. Duke Wiki  
  1. Duke WebEx and Duke Zoom (online meeting tools) 
  1. Other IT applications  

Policies and Best Practices 

  1. Web Accessibility – Duke is committed to making our content accessible and meeting federal accessibility guidelines and best practices. 
  1. Policies (including acceptable use, security, and more)  
  1. Writing & Media, Media Policies 
  1. Social Media Guidelines 
  1. Video guidelines & resources 
  1. Drone policy 
  1. Campus banner policy 
  1. Audio 
  1. Trademark Licensing 

Communication to/for the Duke community:  

  1. The Duke Daily 
  1. The Duke Weekly 
  1. Working@Duke (print and online
  1. Managing@Duke 
  1. Working@Duke This Week email (all faculty & staff on Wednesdays) 
  1. Duke Flyer (digital sign system) 
  1. Duke Calendar 

Professional Development

  1. Duke ProComm: Professional Development classes taught by Duke experts for Duke Communicators (about 5-6 classes per semester) 
  1. LinkedIn Learning  
  1. Learning & Organization Development 
  2. Cousera for Duke: Free, self-paced online learning opportunities. Duke staff have free access to over 4,000 courses.

Other Duke Communications channels 

  1. Duke Today 
  1. Duke.edu 
  1. Duke Health Intranet 
  1. Duke List (Duke’s version of Craigslist) 
  1. The Chronicle (independent student newspaper) 

Emergency Communication: 

  1. DukeALERT website 
  1. Notification channels  
  1. LiveSafe Mobile App